The Innovation Unit Design Academy is a unique part-time programme for professionals working in social innovation and public service transformation. If you want to grow your design expertise, or become a service designer for social change then this might be the course for you.

The course focuses on two modules:

  • Module 1: Applying service design methods to complex social challenges (September – January)

  • Module 2: Design leadership for systems change (January – June)

Each module can be accessed separately or delivered as part of a comprehensive one year part time course.

The IUDA is delivered by the Innovation Unit service design team - global leaders at applying service design methods to create social impact, at scale. Our experience in using service design to radically change systems, as well as our deep contacts with public and voluntary sector organisations across the country, makes this an incredible opportunity for anyone wishing to grow their service design skills.


Our students come from a diverse range of backgrounds - what they share is a common goal of improving public services and creating innovative solutions to complex social problems.

Examples of our past students include:

  • Local authorities
    London Borough of Barking and Dagenham, London Borough of Camden, Derbyshire County Council, Greater Manchester Combined Authority

  • Integrated Care Boards and Mental Health Trusts
    NHS Lothian and NHS Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Board

  • National and local charities
    Mind, Now Foster, Oxford Hub, Nesta

  • And other organisations across the health, education, and social care sector

“The course is very hands on, so you’ll

learn heaps about practice, as well as being given the space to consider what type of a designer you are.”

Meet our faculty

  • Ella Walding

    Head of Service Design at
    Innovation Unit UK

    Ella leads the IU’s service design team; she co-leads IUDA, coaches teams and individuals and delivers workshops on core service design methods including design research, co-design and facilitation, and service design methodologies.

  • Aviv Katz

    Senior Service Design Associate

    Aviv co-leads the IUDA, ensures that the programme provides a great experience for everyone involved, and helps everyone to achieve their learning goals. He is also a learning coach and delivers workshops on core service design methods.

  • Ellen Simmons

    Service Designer

    Ellen is a learning coach; she delivers workshops on a range of service design methods and coordinates our Service Design Jam

  • Jo Harrington

    Senior Associate

    Specialises in system design and social imagination

  • Un Jeong Ko

    Service Design Associate and learning coach

  • Jethro Sercombe

    Director Innovation Practice at Innovation Unit Australia and New Zealand

    Jethro delivers workshops on
    co-design facilitation and participatory design methods

  • Ellie Hegarty

    Graphic Designer

    Ellie delivers workshops in graphic design and supports our students to visualise their outputs and presentations

  • Sarah Ward

    Senior Innovation Consultant and Service Designer

    Sarah specialises in education systems, blending inclusive and culturally responsive approaches to research, service design methods, and innovation adoption and implementation.

  • Matt Norman

    Matt Norma

    Senior Project Lead

    Matt is an expert trainer and facilitator, working across a range of projects, from research and discovery through to prototyping and implementation.

  • Sandy Harman

    Project Lead

    Sandy is of Fijian, Tongan, Chinese and European descent and was born and raised in Aotearoa New Zealand. She specialises in providing intercultural advice/support and navigating complex community contexts.

  • Nick Webb

    Director of Mental Health Innovation

    Nick supports IUDA students to learn about the ways in which Public Narrative can be applied to complex system change.