Student testimonials

Hear straight from
our graduates

“I chose this course because I wanted to deepen my practice and understand myself more as a designer”

“As someone who learns in a kinaesthetic manner, the course is designed in a way where you learn through doing. I have also enjoyed how real life examples are brought to the teaching, which makes the concepts more tangible.”


“Perfect if you have been 'design adjacent' and want to build your confidence and skills. It has been great to be exposed to new people and interesting service design work.”


“I have been able to actively apply what I have learnt with IUDA in my new role”

Michael Kynaston | Policy and Communities Officer at London Borough of Barking and Dagenham

“Grow confidence in service and system design, be part of a community of people passionate about leveraging design for social change, hear from leaders in the field of social innovation”


“The course expands your mind and your toolkit. Through it, you are linked into a community of practice focused on learning, reflecting and doing public services differently by design.”


“There’s a lot of room to shape the learning around your current work and your interests.”

“Before I was just knocking on the door of service design … and now I’m fully immersed in the world! It’s been a fascinating and practical experience.”


Our students come from a broad range of organisations including: